Monday, March 16, 2009

Baxter Lee is Here!

Finally, here we are to announce the arrival of Baxter (born Jan 26th 9:30pm), now that he is about 6 weeks old.  (I guess this is our cyberspace version of the old-time practice of "churching" or bringing the baby out after 40 days). I had started on his birth story but I finally realized that was going to take  a while to finish so I should keep on posting in the meantime. Also, our camera is unfortunately our of batteries so we are low on pictures. We're working on that - for our friends and family who are still waiting to see how cute he is. 
I won't go into the whole story now, but his birth was a bit of a challenge in the sense that it was a lot of hard work - 9lb baby boy from little 5 foot me! Yikes! The labor was about 9 hours, pushing for 3.5. Uhg. Powerful stuff! I was so glad to be home and had the wonderful support of my midwife Elayne, our doula Sarah and friend Rachel... and of course Dan and Bea. Baxter is a hearty, beautiful little guy.
So now we have pretty much adjusted to life as a family of four and spring is on it's way. Hooray!