Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome Back

Well almost a year later, here I am again. I have to say for much of the year I was virtually blogging - in my head - telling you all about the sweet moments that happened. The playgroups that Bea had with her friends last summer were a big highlight which included her first big bike ride on the Copake rail trail and having her buddies come to the farm to pick raspberries and watch us milk Patches. That seems like ages ago now...
But already spring is just around the corner once again. Just the other night it seemed like I could smell the snow melting. Soon we'll be in the greenhouse again soaking up the magnified rays of spring sun and surrounded by the smell of fresh earth.
Baxter is one now, a cherub of a little boy, holding on to his gummy smile. His first teeth are about to pop through. Bea is of course as sweet as ever, loving her little brother and always ready for an adventure.
Patches is actually bred now and due in July. Thanks to a mini-Jersey bull who stayed the winter with us. I have to admit that Dan has become the dairy maid. My grand plans of being in this role have been subsumed first by pregnancy, then caring for an infant along with farm logistics. I actually milked this past weekend for the first time in ages and it felt so good to get back into the farm chores. I spend so much time nursing Baxter and in the first year our nursing relationship really has defined my existence. Ah there's that sisterhood with Patchy. In a month or so we will dry off Patches so she can have a well deserved rest in the last months of her pregnancy. It means we'll be without milk for a while but I suppose that is just a part of eating seasonally.
There really is too much to say after a year long haitus, so I'll just keep this short - a nice brief welcome back. I have a feeling it is going to be a great, big year!


Erin said...

I just sent in our application for our first farm share ever. I'm so excited! :)

Unknown said...

That's so exciting that your cow is freshening. I really want to get a mini Jersey. Need to build some sort of structure for housing. But we are headed toward that some day. When is she due? We'd love to come by and see the new baby - and you guys! It's been too long.