Sunday, July 11, 2010

Down to Earth Summer Camp Part II

What an amazing week at the farm. It was so wonderful to have this bunch of moms (and dad, Evan) and the kids at the farm for the whole week. On day three the children collected rocks from the children's garden, washed them and painted them! The little ones used tempera paints and it was fun to have an all out messy day. Actually we had two great messy days as day four's task was staining our picnic table with beet juice and painting decorations on top of that. But really, where is it more approriate to have messy days than on the farm?
For our final day we focused back on the firepit preparing our finale feast. The children chopped zucchini and put them on skewars and we cooked hotdogs over the fire as well as baked apples! What a feast it was. Here are a random assortment of pictures from the week.

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