Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Raw Milk

Yes, we drink our milk straight from the cow - not pasteurized. We know she's healthy, eating good quality feed and that our milking system is clean. There is a lot to say concerning raw milk and I don't have a personal mission to convert all milk drinkers to raw, unhomogenized milk. Some people seem to think that as organic farmers it is our role to educate consumers about everything from organic growing methods to the health benefits of organic food and perhaps especially about the faults of modern conventional food production. I don't see that as my role. We're busy enough running our farm and raising our family. We feel that when people see our farm & produce and taste our food they will start to understand. A bite of a real tomato has a much greater effect than a lecture of you shoulds and you shouldn'ts. So if you want to know more about raw milk check out the links on the sidebar.

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