Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chubby Bunny Children's Garden

I have wanted to do a children's garden at the farm for a couple of years now and finally this year it is beginning to take shape. One of the most wonderful things about farm life is seeing our kids feel at home in the fields. There is a sense of freedom, confidence and wonder in the children as they run along the lanes, help out the farm crew or even just sit in the dirt and dig. It is so great to see so many members bringing their kids to the farm. We want them to feel at home here, just as our own kids do. We are creating the children's garden so they have a special place on the farm they can explore and have a real hands on experience. Children are welcome to help plant, weed, pick cherry tomatoes, taste the different herbs, smell the flowers, hide in the pole beans or popcorn, walk through the sunflowers.... or just hang out. The garden is right behind the barn so kids can check it out during CSA pick up without a big trek into the fields. We hope you'll visit!

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