Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday Slow Time

It seems like there is never enough slow time, especially with our growing season about to kick it into high gear with Friday & Saturday markets and CSA harvests, too. So I'm relishing the last weekend before we are market bound (although we do enjoy our markets too). I wish I could say that we were just spending the day playing but we have plenty of household projects to work on. But for some reason a Saturday seems slower and Saturday chores can be fun when you aren't rushing around to do them. Today's shed/garage/barn (or whatever that thing is next to the house) cleaning project was fun, thanks to my dad helping out and interesting - you never know what you'll find in a heap of rubbish, and even a little inspiring - ah, now we can actually store stuff in here - bikes, outside toys etc. instead of having them all over the yard and the porch. My next slow house project is to give some much need attention to our perennial beds and maybe even do a little planting. A kitchen herb garden and some flower starts that we have kicking around the farm.
But for now, back to household chores and supper with friends.

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