Thursday, March 13, 2008


Many of you, dear readers, know that our road is often (all winter at least and a good part of spring and fall) flooded between our house and the farm. This means that instead of the half mile walk/bike/drive to the farm we have to drive 3 miles to get to the there. Yes, a huge inconvenience and waste of gas. My most recent quandry concerning the flood is this: Since Dan has multiple tasks to do at the farm other than the milking and chores he most often ends up doing the milking. I'm torn because I do want to take on the milking, but does it make sense for me to drive to the farm to milk and drive home when Dan just has to turn around when I get there to go down to the farm to do his work.....? The clincher of course is Bea. Ideally we'd all load up in the morning and go to the farm for the whole am, but those with a 2 year old will know it's never that clear and simple. Dan made a good point this morning, that things don't always have to make sense... yet. Of course there will be that time in the season where every single thing we do should make sense. We have to be as efficient as possible when things get going, it's a survival mechanism.
We're not there yet, though. My looming concern is how to keep Bea occupied during the 25 minutes it takes me to milk. In the midst of the season things can get really crazy down there and I'm hoping that Bea and I can manage the milking on our own without having to pull Dan out of his work. Dan is getting faster, it only takes him 15. Hopefully by the time it rally matters, I'll be down to 15, too.
That being said, Bea loves the farm and I'm sure she can manage on her own for a few minutes. As we sat seeding in the greenhouse the other day we watched her go out to the chickens, into their trailer, come out with two eggs and announce she was on her way to feed them to the pigs. What a farm girl!

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